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hereforfun • 2 years ago

pointy ran head,conan 10 years old, but did anyone notice that he ordered a cup of coffee ,isnt it weird for a 10 year old damn

AboveAll • 2 years ago

yeah i thought that was weird too

strange guy • 1 year ago

They probably didn’t care cause most of the adults are idiots in the series

Sesshomaru-sama • 2 years ago

When I'm 10yr i drink coffee , too. I'm 13 now btw. This is why I'm short i guess

Eman Hamed • 2 years ago

I think he is actually 7

LesK • 2 years ago

the exact age of Shinichi's 'new body' has never been explicitly stated in the manga or anime. the mangaka himself in interviews only says six or seven years old. one of the few tells is Conan's 'elementary school' days... but even then his GRADE isn't mentioned!

the Detective Boy's Club members never wear the distinctive 'yellow rain hats' that Japanese kindergarten and elementary students wear to and from school. these are meant to increase visibility of the short children for automobile and other road drivers.

Conan's elementary does not perform 'student cafeteria duty' at lunch either. traditional Japanese elementary and sometimes even Junior High students are provided institutional styled school lunches by on-site staff using Government approved recipes and rotating menus. in each homeroom the food is served to the students by their fellow students on a rotational duty roster basis. the trays and other flatwares are also provided. the students then eat their lunches in their homerooms at their desks. afterwards the trash and all the equipment is returned to the school's facilities and staff.

another sign that Conan's attending a Western school is the absence of morning or afternoon duty rosters. coming in early to prepare the homeroom or staying late after class to clean the room does not happen there.

they also do not wear uniforms of any type in Conan's school. the lack of 'yellow hats', unforms, cafeteria or morning/afternoon duties etc. are all indicative of an 'international school' in Japan aka an almost entirely Western styled school. also, more than one student at that elementary is a foreigner or mixed blood child.

there are only two traditional Japanese school customs shown in Conan's school in the anime. the students in Conan's school all use the 'elementary school backpack' design. but none of these backpacks' colors are uniform. the other item is the 'inside and outside shoe rule', where students leave their 'indoor shoes' at school in lockers and change before entering/leaving the main campus.

on the other hand, Shinichi, Ran, and Sonoko all attend/attended a VERY traditional yet Westernized high school. uniforms and such are the norm. but instead of the flat black high square collar coats styled after Imperial Japanese Army uniforms (boys) and the modified navy uniform aka classic sailor-suits (girls), their HS uses ALL blazers and skirts and slacks.

Eman Hamed • 2 years ago

Keep in mind it is an anime my dude, it doesn't have to show every little detail to mean it happened, you could point out that Conan doesn't get a bento nor does he buy bread so what does he eat? just because you didn't see the lunch being served doesn't mean it didn't happen, and blazers are more common these days, the older uniforms are not the norm these days, at least not in modern anime. and I think I remember seeing them doing classroom duty more than once but I cannot be sure because of the amount of anime I watched lol, but for sure there was an episode about the school pet no? I think there was some memory episodes of shinichi and ran in kindergarten, and there was an episode that hinted about the detective boys being in kindergarten when Shinichi and Ran were in middle school I think

LesK • 2 years ago

yeah, the kids do cleanup duty in ep472.

ep421, 422 there's several whole conversations about all the 'school pets' their elementary has. apparently they've got a ton of em.

that's the point of visual media. if it is not on screen, or discussed on screen, it didn't happen. but there's over 1000 Conan episodes so there's alot more to go.

blazers aren't exactly the norm. the 'classic' uniforms and the 'Western ones' are pretty split 50/50. 'Kaguya-sama' uses the black sailor suits for the girls and black jackets on the boys. 'Komi-san' uses the blazers. 'DemonGirlNextDoor' uses the 'classic'. 'Date A Live' uses the blazers. 'BuildDivide' mixes them up amongst many schools. 'StrikeTheBlood' mixes them up amongst many schools as well. 'Aheren-san' uses the blazers. 'Shenmue' uses the 'classic' but it is set in the 1980's so that's a 'period piece'. 'Shikimori' uses the blazers. 'Akebi-san' used the blazers but the FMC purposefully has her 'sailor uniform', it's even in the title of the show. i would say the blazers are increasing in numbers but i find it still pretty well split in half.

strange guy • 1 year ago


Sesshomaru-sama • 2 years ago

I'm 14 now btw 😹

christian engesæt • 9 months ago

16 now maybe soon17

Sesshomaru-sama • 2 years ago

Haha the characters think, yes. But he said it's weird for ten years old to order coffee, i just want to say i drink coffee when i was 10

Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago

Ooh! New opening!! I like it but the visuals are absolutely cracking me up. They're making the show seem so much more intense than it actually is. And everytime they show Conan looking all emo and serious it is literally hilarious to me. I know he has full reason to be acting emo but like, he is just a little guy, he looks so silly. Plus:
00:31 This surprised me so fucking much like why is he jumping off a building and where did the parachute even come from, also it's a movie 8 reference!! probably
1:14 New characters!! (As if I don't already know who they are..)

2:59 Gah! I was not expecting him to have that voice actor! He sounds so young and polite

8:00 And he just knew exactly what that was??

13:43 And no one finds that odd? This seven year old just drinking straight black coffee

strange guy • 1 year ago

Um opening 13th has sometimes had this emo look though

strange guy • 1 year ago

To be fair detective Conan is a mystery case even opening 33 feels a little serious don’t you think

strange guy • 1 year ago

I disagree with you on the new opening I thought it was pretty cool

Mental illness staff

idd0ki • 1 year ago

gotta admit that the most interesting cases are mostly with kogoro and ran
why do they all have so many phobias..

strange guy • 1 year ago

Yeah If it’s just Conan and kogoro it feels better

Sekai • 2 years ago

The people in this house have strange characteristics(i think?). The maid have a phobia, the chauffeur had a habit of wiping things, and the butler is a perfectionist. Maybe this things would be used as clues

strange guy • 1 year ago

Yeah I know

Sekai • 2 years ago

The daughter had a phobia too

strange guy • 1 year ago

Heights I know

Satilinethejay • 5 months ago

I don't really like the new op. 4:44, he's taking notes. 14:00, the people in this house are kinda weird. 14:19, Kogoro thought so too lol. 19:21, LMAO! Conan! Honestly deserved.

strange guy • 1 year ago

I think this is the first time we start having short openings

strange guy • 1 year ago

Damn 10 years when this anime was running at the time

Sekai • 2 years ago

Oh I noticed kir in the opening!! Because of youtube I got spoiled in the kir arc. How I regret it

bari • 2 years ago

new op

strange guy • 1 year ago


Wiz Kidd • 2 years ago

Right away, Tommyrod/Hyouga/Gaara voice -> sus

Taboretto • 2 years ago

Well there is something wrong with that clock. It it shows north and east, East should be always on the right no matter what position. This must be some kind of clue.